Thursday, March 17, 2011

Trailer Tuesdays!

RYAN: I'm excited about this week's new movies. All three of them look like they have some potential, which is more than I can say for other movies lately. Let's start with my most anticipated, Rid Riding Hood. I'm dying to see it!CAROLINE: I'm intrigued by this one too, largely because of Amanda Seyfried. RYAN: I love her, but don't forget Sirius Black is in it too!CAROLINE: That would be Gary Oldman for those of you over the age 14. It's also directed by Catherine Hardwicke, who did the first Twilight movie.RYAN: And it features a werewolf, so that shouldn't be too much of a stretch for her.CAROLINE: Yeah, I think they've played with the story a little bit and made it a little more grown up. Red Riding Hood is choosing between two men or something like that. I don't know if Grandmother's house is involved anymore, but we'll see. Check out the trailer here: RYAN: There's also a new version of Jane Eyre in town, and it looks like it could be haunting and cool. It's a new twist on a classic.CAROLINE: This book has been made into a movie a million times, so I'm not exactly sure why we need another one. Having said that, I adore the book, so I'd be interested to see it.RYAN: I love Mia Wasikowska, who had a big 2010 with roles in Alice in Wonderland and The Kids Are All Right. It's also got Dame Judi Dench and Jamie Bell.CAROLINE: Great cast so far. Michael Fassbender plays Rochester, and he's supposed to be swoonworthy, though I didn't really get that from the trailer.RYAN: Yeah, he doesn't really do it for me either. This is sure to be well made and very British, but I hope they capture the right amount of creepy too. Watch the trailer here: CAROLINE: Finally, there's a movie for the menfolk this weekend, Battle: Los Angeles, which stars Aaron Eckhart.RYAN: He definitely gives this movie some legitimacy. It's also got Michelle Rodriguez from Lost, and Bridget Moynahan. It looks cool, but a bit war/boy movie for my tastes.CAROLINE: It's a total boy movie, so I'm surprised that I'm actually interested. The trailer grabbed me from the first time I saw it. It looks like a real edge-of-your-seat type flick.RYAN: But you hate sci-fi and war movies! I would think this movie couldn't be less up your alley if it tried.CAROLINE: I know, right? Since when do I care about aliens? But the trailer is so exciting that I got hooked and now I really want to see it. And isn't that the job of a good trailer?RYAN: Indeed it is. I'll look forward to seeing this one with you then. Check out the trailer here: Cheeky & Fresh Movie Reviews

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