Tuesday, March 27, 2012


RYAN: I was somewhat looking forward to this film because of the cast. Ewan McGregor is my favorite actor... or was.

: I'm sorry, exsqueeze me?

: I?m kinda over him for some reason.

: What?!! Because of this movie?

: I?m just coming to terms with the reality that I loved him in Moulin Rouge! but haven?t really adored him as much since then. There have been a few roles he's charmed in, but I'm just not all about him anymore.

: I never thought this day would come! He?s still a talented actor.

RYAN: Oh clearly, but I don?t think he?s completely brilliant - he?s becoming a bit self-aware which is really the worst thing an actor can be. And he's also beginning to repeat himself in the tone of his roles. I'm seeing much similarity. It?s like he?s so in his head while he?s acting and just not as natural as those around him - and this film is a good example of that kind of performance.

: I loved him in Beginners last year though.

: That was a sweet film. But enough expos� about McEwan. This movie is a snoozer!

: Oh no. Really?

: For starters, who cares about fishing?

CAROLINE: Well you and I may not, but there?s certainly a community who does.

: There are some components to this movie which are actually really nice, if you break them down - the cinematography, the casting, some of the writing and witty banter between the lead characters; but, when it all comes together, it just doesn?t work. And the movie is bore-ring!

CAROLINE: I?m so sorry to hear that, but especially glad I didn?t waste my time seeing it. How was Emily Blunt?

: I like her. She?s fine, whatever. This movie is veeeery British; and not, like, Harry Potter British or different-funny British. It?s a British political tale meets rom com meets drama meets one of the super-cheesiest endings of any movie ever.

CAROLINE: Eek, it sounds like a bit of a wreck.

: Yeah, it?s pretty bad. There is one major highlight though - not enough to justify seeing this film - but there is a beacon, if you will, in the shape of Kristin Scott Thomas.

: She?s so good.

: She?s such a ham and a total scene stealer and there?s just something almost deliciously Faye Dunaway as Mommie Dearest about her in this movie. She doesn?t have a humungo role but her presence looms large.

CAROLINE: That?s interesting. Do Em & Ewan at least have chemistry?

RYAN: Minimal, but the story is awkward anyway. It's adapted from a novel that I can't imagine anyone would wanna read either. Overall like the stakes are never high enough for anyone I would know in the audience to really begin to care about what?s going on. The politics in the film actually work against any empathy we?d begin to develop for the characters and its pacing is very lethargic.

-- RATING --

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/WeSeeMovies/~3/9hfF6KRmiJA/salmon-fishing-in-yemen.html

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