Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Trailer Tuesdays!

CAROLINE: I am so excited to discuss the trailer for one of my most anticipated movies of the fall!RYAN: Skyline?CAROLINE: [laughs] Hardly. Maybe if I were a 13-year-old boy. You know I'm talking about Morning Glory, which comes out tomorrow and stars one of our all-time faves, Rachel McAdams.RYAN: Obviously, I can't wait to see this one too. I love Rachel, and the whole cast is fab - Diane Keaton, Harrison Ford and the very hot Patrick Wilson.CAROLINE: This movie is about a live morning show like The Today Show, and it looks so funny. Plus you and I will both totally relate having worked in TV production for many years.RYAN: I love the bickering that goes on between Diane Keaton and Harrison Ford in the trailer. It'll be interesting to see him in a comedic role. It's certainly not his usual fare.CAROLINE: I seriously can't wait to see this! Check out the trailer here: RYAN: Next up is Unstoppable, which I really could care less about. Denzel Washington tries to stop a speeding train? Seriously?CAROLINE: I know. The first time I saw the trailer I was embarrassed for everyone involved. It looks like such a rip off of Speed. And helloooo, Denzel, you just did a movie about an out-of-control train last year, which was really good and surely far superior to this crap.RYAN: I totally forgot about The Taking of Pelham 123. What a strange career choice for him to do another train movie.CAROLINE: I think he's doing Unstoppable because it's directed by Tony Scott, with whom he's made tons of other movies - Deja Vu, Man on Fire, the aforementioned Taking of Pelham 123, etc. They must have a great working relationship.RYAN: OK. That sort of makes sense. But it still doesn't make me want to see this movie. Watch the trailer here: CAROLINE: Finally, we have Skyline, an alien invasion movie that I hadn't even heard of till a couple of weeks ago.RYAN: Yes! I was so psyched when I saw this trailer for the first time. I hadn't heard anything about it either, but it looks so good!CAROLINE: I guess it's all relative because I have zero interest in this one. It looks so sci-fi/alien/boy movie. RYAN: Exactly. Unfortunately, we found out it's not screening for critics, which means I'll have to pay mine own 13 bucks to see it; which I totally plan to do the day it comes out. CAROLINE: Wow. You really are excited for this one. Meanwhile, the only person I recognize in the trailer is Donald Faison from Scrubs. I dig him, but he's not gonna make me see this movie. RYAN: The cast isn't the point. It's all about the aliens and the special effects. I think it looks amazing, though it does seem more like a summer blockbuster. Not sure why it's coming out in November. Check out the trailer here: Cheeky & Fresh Movie Reviews

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