Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Movie News - Sequel Updates

RYAN: Kick-Ass 2 is in the works based on a second comic, hilariously titled: Balls to the Wall.CAROLINE: I loved Hit Girl in the first one and could get on board for a second helping.RYAN: Me too and there's definitely buzz. The comic book writer announced the sequel would begin filming in nine months but apparently the cast has not yet signed on. Both Aaron Johnson and Chloe Moretz have recently denied anything's set.CAROLINE: Way to jump the gun, Mr. Comic Book Writer.RYAN: I think Aaron's gonna be a huge star though. He plays John Lennon in the new biopic Nowhere Boy.CAROLINE: I want to see that. How are you feeling about the recent announcement that Harry Potter 7 Part 1 is no longer gonna be in 3D?RYAN: You know, in the words of one Renee Zellweger to Oprah Winfrey re: Tom Cruise's 25th anniversary as an actor, "I'm glad of it."CAROLINE: [laughs] I love it!RYAN: It wasn't shot in 3D so why sit with the glasses on if it's not going to be outstanding 3D, right?CAROLINE: I'm with you.RYAN: And also, I have all the DVDs in 2D so to have the last one in 3D, without yet owning one of those new 3D TV's, would just be annoying.CAROLINE: Well there is talk that all 8 movies may eventually be re-released in 3D.RYAN: As long as it's done well, I fully support re-releasing them. I'd totally go see them again on the big screen.CAROLINE: I'm sure you would. And what's the other update?RYAN: Batman 3 casting.CAROLINE: Oh, right. Tom Hardy, an actor recently seen in this summer's Inception, has joined the cast but it wasn't told in what capacity.RYAN: I'm glad Christopher Nolan is at the helm again but can it ever do as well as The Dark Knight?CAROLINE: Maybe if another cast member dies.RYAN: That's low... but true.CAROLINE: In the meantime, let's all hold our collective breath to see if The Hobbit ever sees the light of day.Cheeky & Fresh Movie Reviews

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