Friday, September 16, 2011

Tom Hooper's Adaptation of 'Les Miserables' Possibly Shooting in 3D

The cast just recently officially gained Russell Crowe and Helena Bonham Carter to star alongside Hugh Jackman in Tom Hooper's big screen adaptation of Les Miserables, but now the musical might be getting the addition of the third dimension. Market Saw (via is reporting� a strong desire to shoot the story set during the French rebellion of the 19th century in 3D. The source says the information comes from someone "close to the cinematography technology side of things." Considering The Great Gatsby is also heading into the third dimension, it's not all that unconventional to hear this news now.

The decision isn't entirely silly simply because there are several battle scenes that could really pop when shot in 3D. However, for me, the clearest motivation for shooting a musical in 3D would be to evoke the feeling of watching it unfold on stage, just like it was originally intended. This ...


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