Monday, May 2, 2011

Trailer Tuesdays!

RYAN: We've got both highbrow and lowbrow for this week's Trailer Tuesdays. Let's start with Water For Elephants, which is based on a best-selling book that I never read.CAROLINE: I haven't read it either, but I definitely want to see the movie.RYAN: I'm SO excited for this one! You know I love Reese Witherspoon, and she's so gorgeous in the trailer. It looks like a fantasy/romance - what's not to love? CAROLINE: It seems like it might be a little heavy, but the cast is really great. Christoph Waltz and Robert Pattinson also star; I'll be curious to see if R. Patz can hold his own against two Oscar winners.RYAN: It looks gorgeously filmed and Reese's costumes and makeup are fab. Is Christoph Waltz trying to do an American accent though? 'Cause I'm not sure it's working.CAROLINE: I was kinda wondering the same thing myself. I know the man speaks several languages fluently, so I'm not judging; but I'm not sure he's quite mastered the mellifluous accent of the old U.S. of A. Check out the trailer here: CAROLINE: Next up is yet another Madea movie, Madea's Big Happy Family. Oh wait - sorry, I meant Tyler Perry's Madea's Big Happy Family. RYAN: How many possessives can you have in a movie title?CAROLINE: My thoughts exactly.RYAN: Although I tend to find the Madea character amusing, I honestly don't care at this point. These movie should be direct-to-DVD and/or he should just have his own Tyler Perry Network. I like Madea enough, but the rest of his movies are snoozers. CAROLINE: I saw one Tyler Perry movie and that was enough. Luckily his movies never screen for critics, so I'll be off the hook on this one.RYAN: Usually I'll see his movies for free, but there's no way I'm paying. But I'm sure this movie will be huge at the box office; they always are. Watch the trailer here: Cheeky & Fresh Movie Reviews

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